Monday 20 July 2015

The Magic of Mulch in Your Garden


Are you a home gardener looking for a way to enhance your garden and keep your plants healthy throughout the growing season? If so, you should consider incorporating mulch. With easy application and advantageous features, mulch is a win for gardeners.

1. Understand the Benefits of Mulching

Mulch is highly beneficial to vegetable and flower gardens. When applied, your garden will retain more moisture, meaning you will not have to water as often. Adding mulch to your soil also hinders the growth of those annoying weeds. Finally, any mulch composed of organic materials will slowly break down, making the dirt highly fertile and healthy for future seasons.

2. Choosing Your Mulch

Before you can apply mulch to your garden, you need to choose which type is best for your garden. Today’s market is full of many options including:

  • Straw mulch
  • Wood chips or shredded bark
  • Cocoa hulls
  • Pine bark nuggets

Straw mulch looks lovely in a garden because of its soft, golden hues and breaks down slowly. Wood chips and shredded bark usually absorb nitrogen from the soil, making it less acidic. Cocoa hulls can be more expensive, but their chocolate scent, soft texture and deep colors add elegance to any garden. Pine bark nuggets do not decompose as fast as shredded bark and work well on flat surfaces with flower plots and vegetable gardens.

To learn more about mulch for sale in Morgan Hill, please visit this website. With the proper mulch for your garden you can grow vibrant flowers and healthy vegetables.

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