Wednesday 23 September 2015

Use Landscaping Stones to Decorate Your Lawn


Landscaping stones add a decorative touch to your lawn. Stones vary by size, shape, color and material and this gives you a wide range of design options. Here are four cool ways of taking your yard to the next level of beauty.

1.    Make a Flower Bed Border

Instead of using plastic tubing or brick, place stones around your flower bed. It’s an eye-catching way of separating the bed dirt from the grass. Small stone pieces work best for creating a wall of separation.

2.    Replace Mulch or Dirt

A flower bed with landscaping stone adds a visual flair because it’s a unique alternative to the traditional use of mulch and dirt. Add interest by using contrasting sizes and colors. In addition, the elimination of weed growth is benefit of using stones.

3.    Create a Walkway or Path

A stepping path from your front door to the driveway or sidewalk amplifies your home’s charm. For safety purposes, avoid stones with slippery textures.

4.    Add an Outdoor Living Space

If you don’t have a patio, deck or other backyard sitting area, then consider a flagstone patio. Flagstone comes in a wide of array of rich textures and sizes. It’s low-maintenance and durable. Whatever you choose will add style and serenity to your outdoor area.

The creative uses of landscaping stone are endless. A professional landscaping service can assist you with selecting just the right stones for turning your lawn into a work of art. Visit this website and learn more about landscaping stones in San Jose.

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